Resources for those in pain
Youtube videos:
What is chronic pain:
Ted-X talk by Lorimer Mosely. ‘Why things hurt?’:
Tell Me About Your Pain by Curable and Alan Gordon and Alon Ziv (my favourite Podcast for help understanding MBS).
The Cure for Chronic Pain by Nicole Sachs - this podcast has a great number of people's accounts of overcoming chronic pain.
Like Mind, Like Body by Curable - information about MBS and interviews with physicians, researchers and ordinary people who have incredible stories of how they have overcome their pain.
The Way Out by Alon Ziv and Alan Gordon (my favourite book on the subject)
The Divided Mind: The Epidemic of Mindbody Disorders Sarno, John E.
The Meaning of Truth: embrace your truth. create your life. Sachs, Nicole
The Pain-Free Mindset: 7 Steps to Taking Control and Overcoming Chronic Pain 7 Steps to Taking Control and Overcoming Chronic Pain Ravindran, Dr Deepak,
‘Chronic Pain: your key to recovery’ by Founder of SIRPA, Georgie Oldfield MCSP